Since our foundation in 1913, our Association has been carrying out work that is useful to the business world by providing surveys, analyses and other types of service for marine affairs and the international cargo trade as an international comprehensive survey and consultancy organization.
We will celebrate over 100th anniversary this year and we are much obliged for your support.
Our slogan is 'to make NKKK a trustworthy name', and we apply the term 'trustworthy' as the basis of all our Association activities. We promote our operations through fair and strictly neutral services, using our management principles as a guide to contribute to economic development and improvement in the lives of people in nations around the world.
Technology is constantly making rapid developments, and we foresee that the development of new materials and innovations in transportation technologies will continue to advance, faster than ever before.
While maintaining our position as a neutral 3rd party as the basis of our operation, we will continue to evolve in order to faithfully meet the public expectations of our trustworthiness, and make efforts to continue to expand our range of activities.