NKKK Toppage > Governance procedures > Information management

Information management

  • Under instructions from compliance committee meetings, we construct and manage a system to collectively control information.
  • In order to secure information, we have prepared basic information security policies, as well as information management regulations and information equipment use regulations that supplement the basic policies. We make sure all employees follow these policies and regulations.
  • For information that requires special and appropriate management, such as customer information and other confidential information, our information security chief manages the information, strictly obeying the personal information protection laws, in collaboration with the principle staff responsible in each department.
  • We train all employees who handle proprietary information (management, other employees, contractors, and temporary workers) about information security, in order to improve their awareness and technical level, and to make sure they follow the basic information security policies and the relevant regulations.
  • We periodically check and evaluate whether the basic information security policies and relevant regulations are strictly followed, and by this means we continuously improve our security system, and our efforts to manage information properly.
  • Our planning and general affairs department always responds quickly to requirements for revisions of customer information and to stop using or delete customer information (including personal information), in place of the full compliance committee.

June, 2019

Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai

Takeshi Saito, President


【Inquiry desk】

For any request concerning the information, including revision and question, please contact the following.

Compliance Committee Meeting Bureau (Planning and General Affair room), Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai

TEL: 81-3-3552-1241

Open from 9:30 to 17:00 (Monday to Friday)

* Except year end holidays (December 30 to January 4)

Governance procedures


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